Events Calendar
Featured Events
Lunch & Birthday Celebration
Come have lunch with us and celebrate Tamyra Dippolito’s Birthday!!!!
Lunch, Easter Party & Bingo!
Join us for our Easter party and to play bingo after having meatloaf for lunch!
Vet to Vet Cafe
Our Veteran Café provides a place for local Veterans to come together to socialize. There are no agendas or speakers—just conversation and camaraderie!
Lunch & Birthday Celebration
Come have lunch with us and celebrate Deena Baker’s birthday!!!!
Nutrition Awareness with Generations!
Nutrition Awareness Month: Nutrition Choices: Birds do it, Why not YOU? Come join us for a fun craft time making bird feeders and enjoy a presentation on making good choices for ourselves just like birds!
Good Vibes Save Lives Blood Drive
Join us across the street at Glenburn Senior Living for our Good Vibes Save Lives Blood Drive in the Family Room! Donate blood for a chance to win a trip to Hawaii! Please contact Amy Gum at 812.847.2221, ext. 168 to schedule an appointment!